Starting January 2025, withholding rate for benefits is determined automatically based on the tax card that comes into force on January 1, 2025. The...
In April, 13.4% of all Open Unemployment Fund members received earnings-related allowance from the fund, while the number of recipients remained at the March level. Compared to last year, however, the number of recipients...
Sami Aapro, LL.M., officially assumed his position as A-kassa’s Head of Unemployment Fund on May 2, 2024. Aapro brings along his vast experience in the field of unemployment funds, and his professional expertise lays...
For many, unemployment security is something that they do not read up on until they are unemployed or laid off. However, to be entitled to an earnings-related unemployment allowance, you must have joined an...
The Open Unemployment Fund recorded a significant increase in the number of earnings-related allowance recipients during the first quarter of 2024 compared to the same period last year. Looking at the numbers regionally, the...
Currently, the supplementary amount is payable with earnings-related allowance if the unemployed person participates in a service promoting employment. Recently, the government decided in its session on spending limits that the supplementary amount will...
In March, 13% of all Open Unemployment Fund members received earnings-related allowance from the fund. Compared to March of last year, the number of recipients increased by 23.1%. Out of all daily earnings-related allowance...
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