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Under 18 year olds no longer accrue the employment condition as of 1 August



From 1 August 2022, persons under 18 no longer accrue the employment condition required for earnings-related daily allowance. In addition, starting in August, earnings-related daily allowance can only be paid to persons over the age of 18, unless the employment condition has been met and a daily allowance is paid before 1 August 2022.

Eligibility for earnings-related daily allowance requires that you have been employed for about six months (in other words, you meet the employment condition of 26 weeks) in work that pays unemployment insurance contributions. From 1 August 2022, unemployment insurance contributions are collected only for persons aged 18 and over. As of now, unemployment insurance contributions are mandatory for persons aged 17 and over.

In the future, earnings-related daily allowance can only be paid to persons aged 18 and over.

A new law taking effect in August means that from 1 August 2022, only members of the unemployment fund who are aged 18 and over can receive a earnings-related daily allowance.

The change does not apply to members who have already met the employment condition for earnings-related allowance before turning 18 and have received earnings-related allowance before 1 August 2022.

The employment condition cannot be accrued before turning 18

Members of the unemployment fund who are under 18 years of age can accrue the employment conditions required for the allowance until the end of July 2022. After this, accruing the employment condition begins after the member has turned 18.

However, any weeks that count towards the employment condition which the member has accrued before turning 18 and before 1 August 2022 remain valid for 28 months. They can be taken into account later once the member turns 18 and begins accruing the employment condition again.


A member who was born 15 November 2004 will turn 18 years of age on 15 November 2022. The member can accrue weeks required to meet the employment condition up until 1 August 2022. After this, they can resume accruing the employment condition starting from 1 December 2022 because they turned 18 the previous month.

Read more about membership here