Data protection and accessibility statement
On this page, you can find information about the processing of personal data, cookies, accessibility and terms and conditions for prize draws.
Data protection at A-kassa
Primarily we process the information that we have received from you. In addition, we receive information from officials such as the Finnish Tax Administration or the Social Insurance Institution of Finland (Kela) that relate to taxation or to other social benefits. Further, your employer can send information on your employment relationship concerning e.g. pay, type of employment, and documents related to the ending of employment. We can receive information about your residency or dependent children from the Digital and Population Data Services Agency.
We also have the right to receive information from another unemployment fund.
Membership information
Our membership registry requires identifying information (name and social security number), contact information as well as your sector of employment and service language. For statistical purposes we collect data of your gender. In addition, we may require information on your membership payments in order to process your unemployment benefit.
Benefit information
Depending on your work background and situation, we may need information on your unemployment periods, entrepreneurial activity or employment. In addition, we may need information on your possible absence periods.
If benefit has been paid in excess and needs to be reclaimed
To resolve a possible claim for recovery we may need further information, for instance on loan arrangement or enforcement request and the necessary information of a possible legal claim.
The data is stored as long as it is necessary for processing purposes of the unemployment fund and/or the unemployment fund has a statutory obligation to store the data. The period the data is stored is defined in the filing plan of the unemployment fund. Depending on the document, the period the data is stored is six or ten years or even longer.
The unemployment funds are communities that, while handling statutory tasks, carry out a public task as well. The benefits implemented by the unemployment funds are statutory social security benefits. The grounds for granting benefits are regulated by law. The grounds for granting a membership are regulated in the unemployment fund’s own rules and in the Unemployment Funds Act.
We process the personal data of our members when it is related to the membership of the unemployment fund and to pay benefits. When you apply for a benefit, such as the earnings-related allowance, alternation compensation or mobility allowance, we need information from you. Without the required information we cannot accept you as a member or carry out a benefit regulated by law (the legal basis is to adhere to the statutory obligation).
We also use members’ contact details to inform members about the Unemployment Fund’s activities.
To resolve a possible claim for recovery we may need further information, for instance on loan arrangement or enforcement request and the necessary information of a possible legal claim. According to law, the earnings-related allowance or other benefit paid by the unemployment fund must be reclaimed, if it has been paid unduly or in excessive amount.
We are committed to protect your privacy and personal data. We do not collect any such information, which is not necessary when carrying out our statutory tasks.
Information is provided to public officials, other wage earners’ unemployment funds, unemployment fund for the entrepreneurs, the Unemployment Insurance Fund and insurance and pension institutions when it is required by law.
The Open Unemployment Fund enables the process to join the unemployment fund through some trade unions. These unions are the Ay-toimihenkilöt, Finnish Food Worker’s Union SEL, Finnish Transport Workers’ Union AKT, Industrial Union, Paperworkers’ Union, The Finnish Actors Union, The Finnish Construction Trade Union, The Finnish Musicians’ Union, The Finnish Post and Logistics Union PAU, The Finnish Seafarers´ Union FSU, The Union of Journalists in Finland and Trade Union for Theatre and Media Finland (Teme). In the cases, where the joining process has been started by the aforementioned unions, the unemployment fund has outsourced the collecting of membership fee to the union in question. A data protection contract has been made of the processes in order to ensure the rights and liberties of the member.
Open Unemployment Fund submits the information of your unemployment (but no detailed accounts concerning unemployment) to the Finnish Food Worker’s Union SEL, Industrial Union, Paperworkers’ Union, the Finnish Construction Trade Union and the Union of Journalists in Finland in order to investigate the right to exemptions from membership fees, if you have given your consent to do so. For more information about the data protection policies of the unions, please visit their website. If the matter concerns only the payment of benefits by the unemployment fund, please submit the information only to the unemployment fund.
Your data is processed in a software system managed by Futunio Oy. We have made a data processing contract with Futunio in order to ensure safe and proper use of data.
In connection with possible fund mergers, the personal data of the members of both funds may be processed by certain designated employees of the funds that have merged. The processing will take place at the earliest after the decision approving the merger has been confirmed by the Financial Supervisory Authority and the members have been informed accordingly. The data will only be processed in connection with the preparation of the merger, and in order to implement the merger and to serve the members.
No information is given outside the EU.
If you are a registered member, your rights will be secured by legal provisions. You have the right
- to check your information
- to erase your information
- to correct information
- to restrict processing of information
- to make an appeal to a supervisory authority
How do I exercise my rights?
Use our contact form, choose “Other” as topic, and write what right you want to exercise and why. We will respond to your message as soon as possible, within a month at the latest. If we need more time, we will contact you within one month.
The right to check your data
You have the right to check your information. By request, you will receive a written copy of the data that is being processed. You can correct your information at the same time.
In our eService you can go through your information, update your contact information and contact us. You will need Finnish bank credentials to use eService.
The right to erase your data
Under the law, you have the right to erase unnecessary data, if the personal information is no longer needed for reasons that include membership, payment of benefits or other unemployment fund’s statutory task, for which the data was originally collected.
We do not process any data, which is not necessary to unemployment fund’s statutory tasks. Due to statutory obligation it is necessary to store data for either six or ten years depending on the document.
Everyone has the legal right to erase their data, if, according to a decision by a public official, unlawful action has been committed when processing personal information.
The right to correct data
You have the right demand from the controller of personal data to correct inaccurate or false personal data without delay.
We will update your personal information constantly and take into account the additional and new information you have sent us without delay. You can check your information, update your contact information and contact us in our eService as well.
The right to restrict processing of data
Everyone has the legal right to restrict the processing of data, if it is in one’s opinion that the information is false. During the restriction the accuracy of the information will be investigated. Everyone has also the right to demand for their information to be kept restricted, if, according to a decision by a public official, unlawful action has been committed when processing personal information and the registered member does not want to erase the information. Further, everyone has the right to demand for their information to be kept restricted for possible legal claims.
During the restriction the controller of personal data can process the data only by consent of the person in question, for possible legal claim, to protect the rights of another person or of the public interest of the member state.
The unemployment fund must always notify the person, who has used one’s right, of the restriction and its removal.
Automatic decision making and profiling
We do not make automatic decisions nor practice profiling.
The right to make an appeal to a supervisory authority
Everyone has the legal right to make an appeal to a supervisory authority, if one’s rights have been violated or personal data has been unlawfully processed. The supervisory authority in Finland is the Office of the Data Protection Ombudsman. You will find the contact information of the Office of the Data Protection Ombudsman here.
Rekisterinpitäjä on Avoin työttömyyskassa A-kassa.
Voit ottaa meihin yhteyttä tästä.
Palvelemme sinua myös eAsioinnissa, jossa voit tarkastella tietojasi, päivittää yhteystietosi sekä ottaa meihin yhteyttä.
Palvelunumeromme on 020 690 455 (ma – pe klo 8.30 – 15.00)
Osoite kaikelle työttömyyskassaan lähetettävälle postille:
Avoin työttömyyskassa
PL 116
00531 Helsinki
Kassan tietosuojavastaavan yhteystiedot ovat:
Accessibility statement
Accessibility statement 14 August 2023
Accessibility statement of Open Unemployment Fund A-kassa
This accessibility statement concerns the service and was last updated on 14 August 2023.
The service is subject to the Act on the Provision of Digital Services,
which requires that public online services must be accessible.
The accessibility of the service has been evaluated by an independent expert organisation.
Accessibility of the digital service
The service largely meets accessibility requirements, but contains some
accessibility issues (WCAG criteria 2.1, A and AA levels).
Alternative services
If you cannot handle your matter online due to accessibility or need other support,
you can call our customer service or contact us in the eService.
Non-accessible content
Some content on our website may have accessibility issues, but we try to
correct these as far as technically possible.
Content or features that are not yet fully accessible:
- Not all visual content has a text equivalent (such as statistics).
- Not all link names are sufficiently descriptive (such as Read more), and some images
may be missing text alternatives. - Not all buttons have an accessible name (such as Chatbot).
- Some elements that contain only sub-elements used for visualisation purposes are missing content that can be focused
. - Not all objects have an accessible name or the name is blank, such as the email field in the contact list.
If you notice any other accessibility issues, you can report them to us at viestinta (at) and we will try to correct the issue as soon as possible, taking into account technical limitations.
Accessibility report of the Unemployment Fund’s e-service: read here.
If you notice any other accessibility issues, you can report them to us at viestinta (at) and we will try to correct the issue as soon as possible, taking into account technical limitations.
Give feedback to us first if you notice that our website has problems concerning accessibility. Response time can be 14 days.
In case you are dissatisfied with the reply or you did not receive a reply within 14 days, you may give feedback to the Regional State Administrative Agency of Southern Finland. You will find detailed information about making a complaint and how it is dealt with on the website of the Regional State Administrative Agency of Southern Finland.
Contact information of the supervisory authority
The Regional State Administrative Agency of Southern Finland
The Unit for Supervising Accessibility
Phone +358 295 016 000 (switchboard)
Cookies are small pieces of data that are stored on your computer when you browse through websites..
More information about cookies on Finnish Communications Regulatory Authority’s website.
Cookies will identify your computer when you move to a website. They will remember the options you have made earlier on the website and will enhance your user experience. With cookies it is possible, for instance, to identify the user’s devices and allocate possible advertisement on web pages and on other services..
Some cookies are essential for our website to function and to be used properly. These cookies will not collect any information of the user that could be used in advertising or to remember websites the user has browsed.
More detailed information about all cookies you can find in the cookie icon at the bottom left of the page. You can there also control which cookies you accept for use.
More detailed information about all cookies you can find in the cookie icon at the bottom left of the page. You can there also control which cookies you accept for use.
If you block storing of cookies or disable them, our web pages may not function properly.e.g. YouTube video embeddings.
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Prize draws
- The organiser of the prize draw
Open Unemployment Fund A-kassa
P.O. Box 116
00531 Helsinki, FINLAND - Participation period
The participation period is announced in connection with each prize draw. - Participation in the prize draw
The prize draw must be entered in accordance with the instructions provided with the prize draw publication. - Completing the prize draw and announcing the winner
The winner is drawn on Facebook from among those who have commented on a prize draw publication. In Instagram prize draws, the winner may be selected either from among those who have liked the publication, commented on it, or who follow the profile. The method of prize draw is indicated in the prize draw publication. The closing of the participation period is always indicated in the prize draw publication. The prize draw will take place within two days after the end of the participation period and the winner will be notified in person by private message. All communication related to the participants and the winner will be destroyed within one month, once the winner has been reached and the prize has been delivered to them. The prize winners are randomly selected unless otherwise stated in the prize draw publication. - The prize
The prize is specified in the prize draw publication.
The prize is mailed to the winner and cannot be exchanged for cash. If the winner cannot be reached within seven days, a new winner will be drawn. Facebook and Instagram are not involved in organising the prize draws and only provide a platform for organising the draw.
- Prize draw organiser’s liabilities
A-Kassa’s liability is limited to the prize subject to the draw. Any lottery tax arising from the prize draw is paid by the prize draw organiser. - Changes to the rules
A-kassa reserves the right to make changes without notice to the prize draw, its rules, prizes, participation period or any other factors affecting the conducting of the prize draw. Any changes to the terms and condition will be announced in connection with the prize draw publication. - Publicity of the prize draw
By entering the prize draw, the participants grant the prize organiser the right to publish their name on the social media channel in question if they win without their express consent or compensation. The winner’s name may be shared publicly on A-kassa’s social media channels. - Privacy policy
You can learn more about the privacy policy and data files of A-kassa on this page.