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Four common misconceptions about unemployment security

For many, unemployment security is something that they do not read up on until they are unemployed or laid off. However, to be entitled...

The protected part of unemployment security refers to the income an unemployed person is allowed to earn without affecting their earnings-related allowances. A legislative amendment by the Government, entering into force on April 1,...

Updated March 26, 2024   How is a political strike accounted for in employment security? The political strikes that started on March 11, 2024, are somewhat exceptional compared to previous strikes. The situation is...

Entering midweek holidays in the application Earnings-related unemployment allowance can be paid for midweek holidays (arkipyhä) during a temporary lay-off on the same grounds as other days of lay-off, if you are not entitled...

Carers can claim unemployment benefits if they are able to demonstrate that they are fit for work and available for work on the open market, which essentially means that you must be prepared to...

When the current head of the Open Unemployment Fund, Irene Niskanen, retires, candidate of law Sami Aapro has been appointed as her successor. He will take over the position at the beginning of May...

In February, the Open Unemployment Fund asked its members about how the already implemented and upcoming cuts to unemployment security have impacted, or will impact, their finances, finding employment, and everyday life. 812 members...