Henkilö katsoo webinaaria

Our new webinar series helps with your job search and professional development!

We have designed a series of webinars focused on helping you with the most important stages of your job search. The webinars provide valuable...

The number of A-kassa’s earnings-related allowance recipients decreased in December-January, indicating a gradually improving employment situation. During this period, 36,925 members received earnings-related allowance from A-kassa, down 5.4% from a year ago. While the...

A-kassa aims to process applications efficiently and pay out your benefits as quickly as possible. When you fill out your application carefully and make sure to add all required attachments, your application is processed...

If you are on strike During a strike, you may apply for possible strike pay from your trade union. In some cases, the unemployment fund may also pay unemployment benefits during a strike. For...

Starting January 2025, withholding rate for benefits is determined automatically based on the tax card that comes into force on January 1, 2025. The income ceiling specified in the tax card is calculated for...

Having completed another merger at the turn of the year, Open Unemployment Fund A-kassa continues to grow. With the approximately 12,500 members of the Paper Workers’ Unemployment Fund transferred over to A-kassa, it now...

The Paper Workers’ Unemployment Fund will merge with A-kassa on 1 January 2025. This will cause a break in benefit payments and an eService outage at the turn of the year to allow for...