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Earnings-related daily allowance

Detailed instructions

Apply for earnings-related allowance if you become unemployed or are laid off

Earnings-related unemployment daily allowance is a benefit that unemploytment fund pays for the period of unemployment or lay-off

We also pay an earnings-related daily allowance for the duration of a service promoting employment.

You can apply for earnings-related unemployment daily allowance if you are a member of the unemployment fund.

You can receive an earnings-related daily allowance when you have fulfilled the labour market policy conditions, the membership conditions of an unemployment fund, and the employment conditions.


  • The fulfilment of the labour market policy requirements is examined by the Employment and Economic Development Office (TE Office), which issues a statement on the matter which is binding to the fund.
  • You must meet the membership condition.
  • During your membership, you must meet the employment condition.

Other general conditions for receiving the daily allowance include:

  • Age 18–64 years (68 years for laid-off persons)
  • living in Finland
  • registered as an unemployed jobseeker with the TE Office
  • seeking full-time employment
  • The applicant for the daily allowance is fit to work and is available for the job market.

We will examine the fulfilment of the membership and employment conditions in connection with the processing of your application for an earnings-related daily allowance.


Labour market policy requirements

The TE Office examines your labour market policy requirements and issues a statement on this, which is binding to the unemployment fund. The fund cannot influence decisions made by the TE Office.

Proceed as follows:

  • Register with the TE Office as an unemployed jobseeker
  • You can register as a jobseeker by filling in the online registration form no later than on the first day of unemployment or lay-off. You can register even before the start of unemployment or lay-off.
  • After registration, the TE Office will contact you, agree on further measures and a possible personal meeting
  • If you are a client in the local government pilot on employment, the registration must be made throughthe TE Office's My Services

Membership condition

Membership condition until 1.9.2024: The membership condition is met when you have been a member of the fund for at least 26 weeks. The membership period of another fund is also added to the 26 weeks if you have become a member within one month of the end of the previous fund membership.

Membership condition from 2.9.2024: The membership condition is met when you have been a member of the fund for at least 12 months before unemployment. The membership period of another fund is also added to the 12 months if you have become a member within one month of the end of the previous fund membership.


Until September 1, 2024, employment condition is 26 calendar weeks

Employment condition accrues based on working weeks until September 1, 2024 (working-time-based, i.e. earnings-based employment condition).

Until September 1, 2024, the employment condition accrues when:

  • during a calendar week, your paid working time is at least 18 hours (including e.g. paid holidays, absences due to illness and period of notice)
  • the work takes place at a time when your fund membership is valid
  • the work takes place under an employment relationship and is insured, meaning that taxes as well as unemployment insurance and social security contributions are withheld
  • your salary is paid in accordance with the collective agreement. If your industry does not have a collective agreement in place, your salary for full-time work must be at least 1,399 euros per month in 2024.
  • you earn a minimum of 325.35 euros per week for work in the creative and performing arts industries.


The employment condition is fulfilled by September 1, 2024 when the number of accrued calendar weeks with the required minimum of 18 working hours reaches 26 over a 28-month reference period.

You do not have to work continuously or be employed full-time, as you can accrue weeks towards the employment condition in shorter periods, too.

If you have received daily allowance from a fund, the new employment condition is only accrued from the time that follows the fulfilment of the previous employment condition. Any given work period can only be included in on employment condition, not two.


Pay subsidy work until September 1, 2024

  • If you have been employed with pay subsidy work, 75% of the calendar weeks fulfilling the employment condition may be counted towards your employment condition. In order to fulfil the 26-week employment condition, you must work for 35 weeks. An employment relationship enabled with pay subsidy work must start no later than September 1, 2024.
  • If you are employed with pay subsidy work based on an employment obligation, all working weeks are counted towards the employment condition, provided that the municipality has had the obligation to arrange employment for you no later than September 1, 2024 due to you reaching your maximum period of earnings-related allowance.


Reference period for employment condition until September 1, 2024

The employment condition must be accrued during a 28-month reference period, counting backwards from the start of unemployment or layoff. The reference period may be extended for an acceptable reason for a maximum of seven years. Acceptable reasons include, among others, time periods for which you have received

  • sickness allowance from Kela
  • parental allowance from Kela
  • child home care allowance from Kela
  • study grants from Kela, or
  • during which you have served in the military or completed civilian service.


Kuvassa henkilö merkitsee kalenteriin kynällä. Kädessä on laskin ja pöydällä kahvikuppi ja silmälasit. Kuvituskuva


Starting September 2, 2024, employment condition is 12 calendar months

Starting September, 2, 2024, the employment condition is accrued based on salary paid during a calendar month for work conducted (payment-based, i.e. euro-based employment condition).

The employment condition includes all such calendar months during which you have received a salary of at least 930 euros (excluding any holiday bonus and holiday compensation) for work performed since September 2, 2024.

  • The employment condition may also be accrued as so-called ‘one half of an employment condition months’ if you have received a salary of at least 465 but less than 930 euros during a calendar month. Two halves of an employment condition month equal one full employment condition month.


The working month and the month which accrues the employment condition are not necessarily the same. For instance, if the work was conducted in October but salary for it was only received in November, the employment condition is accrued based on the salary paid in November. If no salary was paid in October, said month does not accrue the employment condition at all.

The received salary must be in accordance with the collective agreement. If your industry does not have a collective agreement in place, your salary for full-time work must be at least 1,399 euros per month in 2024.

After September 2, 2024, the employment condition is fulfilled once you have received employment condition-eligible earned income for a minimum of 12 calendar months. A calendar month refers to e.g. January, February or March.


Pay subsidy work starting September 2, 2024

In the future, pay subsidy work does not, in principle, accrue the employment condition at all.

An exception to this rule is pay subsidy work of the disadvantaged and disabled workers as well as the long-term unemployed aged over 60. Such work continues to accrue the employment condition even after September 2, 2024. When calculating the employment condition, 75% of the calendar months that count towards fulfilling the employment condition are taken into consideration from the 11th wage payment month onwards. The first 10 wage payment months do not yet accrue the employment condition. Fulfilling the 12-month employment condition therefore requires 26 employment condition months for which you have received pay. In other words, the requirement is 2 years and 2 months.


Exceptions to payment-based employment condition

1) If an employer, during a calendar month, pays a salary for an earnings period exceeding one month, deviating from the standard salary period, the paid salary will be spread over the payment month and any preceding or following months, depending on the number of months that the income is paid for.

In most cases, a standard salary period is one month maximum.

  • For instance, salary earned during October 1 – November 30, 2024 and paid on November 30, 2024, is adjusted to October and November 2024 in reference to the employment condition.

2) If the salary is paid late due to a reason attributable to the employer or if the salary is paid via wage security, the salary is adjusted to the calendar month during which it should have been paid had it not been for the delay.

3) For any one-off performance bonuses etc. that are paid for a period exceeding one month, the performance-based part of the wage payment is spread over the entire earnings period.

  • For instance, a performance bonus earned for the time period of January 1 – December 31, 2025 and paid on January 15, 2026, is adjusted to the time period of January 1 – December 31, 2025, rather than just the payment month.


Reference period for employment condition starting September 2, 2024

The 28-month reference period for the employment condition remains as is, please see Reference period for employment condition.


Converting employment condition weeks to employment condition months starting September 2, 2024


Because the new euro-based rule requires a minimum of 12 calendar months and the employment condition can therefore not be fully fulfilled before September 2025, any employment condition weeks accrued by September 1, 2024 must be converted to corresponding employment condition months.

Any employment condition weeks accrued by September 1, 2024 (see Employment condition until September 1, 2024) are converted to corresponding employment condition months starting September 2, 2024. Consequently, 1–2 weeks fulfilling the employment condition correspond to one half of an employment condition month and 3–4 employment condition weeks correspond to one full employment condition month.

  • If you have accrued 20 employment condition weeks by September 1, 2024, this corresponds to 5 employment condition months starting September 2, 2024.
    • 20 employment condition weeks ÷ 4 = 5 employment condition months
  • To fulfil the 12-month employment condition, you also need to earn a salary of at least 930 euros over the course of 7 calendar months (excluding any holiday bonus and holiday compensation) for work conducted starting September 2, 2024.

Employment condition weeks are converted into employment condition months by dividing the number of employment condition weeks by four
number of weeks ÷ 4 = employment condition months

Employment condition for a family member of an entrepreneur with no ownership in the company

The employment condition for an entrepreneur’s family member is fulfilled after they have worked for the family-owned business for 52 weeks that fulfil the employment condition, provided that you do not have an ownership in the company.

  • For purposes of definition, the following are considered entrepreneur's family members: spouse (married or common-law), children and parents.


Once the 12-month euro-based employment condition has been fully fulfilled for the time period following September 1, 2024, you may combine work for another employer with work at your family-owned business in your employment condition.

Prior to September 2, 2024, work for another employer is not eligible to be combined with work at a family-owned business in calculating employment condition weeks.


Time limits to keep in mind

Important time limits when applying for earnings-related unemployment allowance. Infographics.

Detailed instructions