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Amount of earnings-related unemployment allowance paid out on the rise

Earnings-related allowance, News, Statistics


In August, the Open Unemployment Fund paid our 5.6 million euros more in earnings-related unemployment allowances than in July. Compared to 2022, the increase is 6 million euros. The number of recipients of earnings-related unemployment allowance grew by 16.2% from the previous year.


In August, the Open Unemployment Fund paid earnings-related unemployment allowance to 18,989 members, up by 1,368 recipients from July. Compared with the same period the previous year, the number of recipients of earnings-related unemployment allowance grew by 16.2% in August. Of the applications for earnings-related unemployment allowance received in August, 11.0% were from first-time applicants, 28.0% were follow-up applications for an adjusted allowance and 61.0% standard follow-up applications.

The average number of days of allowance paid in August was 21.1 days, which is 0.1 days more than in the same period the previous year.


Total earnings-related unemployment allowance expenditure increased by 25% from last year

Earnings-related daily allowance expenditure grew by 5.6 million euros in August from the month before. Compared to 2022, the fund paid out 6.0 million euros more in earnings-related unemployment allowances. In August, contributions to earnings-related daily allowance were 15.1 million euros (increase of 6.3%) higher than in the same period in 2022. The figures for earnings-related unemployment allowance expenditures in August are preliminary.


Statistical highlights of the month