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The merger of Paper Workers’ Unemployment Fund into A-kassa has been confirmed



The Finnish Financial Supervisory Authority has approved and confirmed the merger of the Paper Workers’ Unemployment Fund into Open Unemployment Fund A-kassa at the start of next year. The merger will take effect on 1 January 2025.


The Paper Workers’ Unemployment Fund and A-kassa approved the agreement on the merger of the Paper Workers’ Unemployment Fund with A-kassa on 1.1.2025 at their fund meetings on 16.5.2024 and 30.5.2024. Official announcements about the merger were published on the websites of A-kassa, Paper Workers’ Unemployment Fund and the Financial Supervisory Authority, as well as in the Virallinen lehti starting on June 11, 2024.


With its 243,515 members, A-kassa is currently the third largest unemployment fund in Finland. As a result of the merger, approximately 12,500 members will transfer to A-kassa.


The merger of the funds does not require any action from members of the Paper Workers’ Unemployment Fund at this stage, as current membership of the unemployment fund will automatically be transferred to the A-kassa from the beginning of next year. If any measures are needed, they will be announced in good time before the turn of the year. There will also be no changes to members’ unemployment security or benefit payments due to the merger. Existing members of the A-kassa will not be affected by the change either.


A-kassa is a general and a multidisciplinary unemployment fund, which is open to all employees. A-kassa pays out earnings-related unemployment benefits to its members.


More information:
Director of the Open Unemployment Fund Sami Aapro, tel. 040 565 9628
Head of the Paper Workers’ Unemployment Fund Päivi Äijälä, tel. 040 632 1069