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Supplementary amount removed at the start of 2025



Currently, the supplementary amount is payable with earnings-related allowance if the unemployed person participates in a service promoting employment. Recently, the government decided in its session on spending limits that the supplementary amount will be removed on January 1, 2025.


The supplementary amount is available for a maximum of 200 days. To be entitled to the benefit, your employment plan with the TE Office or the municipality participating in the local government pilot must include an agreement to participate in a service promoting employment.

In 2023, A-kassa paid the supplementary amount to 4,164 recipients. Removal of the supplementary amount typically impacts earnings-related allowance by 60 to 210 euros a month.

We will provide details on the implementation of the amendment as soon as we receive more information.


Read more: Government Programme reforms to unemployment security