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Sami Aapro starts his tenure as head of Open Unemployment Fund



Sami Aapro, LL.M., officially assumed his position as A-kassa’s Head of Unemployment Fund on May 2, 2024. Aapro brings along his vast experience in the field of unemployment funds, and his professional expertise lays a strong foundation for A-kassa’s future development.


Aapro has enjoyed success at similar posts before coming over to A-kassa, with approximately ten years as head of two different unemployment funds (Unemployment Fund for Entrepreneurs AYT and Unemployment Fund Nomit). Aapro has also held various posts with the IAET Fund (currently, Unemployment Insurance Fund for the Highly Educated KOKO). Before A-kassa, he served as the Leading Legal Counsel at the Unemployment Fund for Education and Science. Aapro’s strong experience and commitment will be significant assets in his duties as head of A-kassa, particularly as the unemployment fund landscape is currently in constant transition.


– I have been following A-kassa’s story and its mergers with other funds with great interest. It is great to be able to join A-kassa’s team of experts and contribute my experience and professional expertise, Aapro says.


A-kassa is a general, multi-trade unemployment fund that is open to all wage-earners and processes earnings-related unemployment allowance payments for its 243,515 members. A-kassa is currently partnered with eleven trade unions. The fund continues to grow, with a new merger in the horizon for the beginning of the next year as the Paper Workers’ Unemployment Fund merges with A-kassa. Decisions regarding the merger will be made this spring.


– A-kassa has been successfully managed through transition periods, and it is my pleasure to continue to steer the ship forward. It is my goal and my mission to ensure that A-kassa continues to develop and grow as strongly as it has since its inception, Aapro continues.