Our partners

Many jobs, many branches – one Unemployment Fund!

Trade unions

The Open Unemployment Fund works in partnership with several trade unions and most of our members belong to a trade union. Trade unions are on the side of the worker and bring security to working life.

At the Open Unemployment Fund, we make sure that our members have a financial safety net. For the best protection throughout your working life, join a union and an unemployment fund.

Our other partners

We also cooperate with other organizations related to work, unemployment and working life.

Anyone working in the sectors of Industrial Union can become a member of the Industrial Union. Click on the links to go the Industrial Union’s website.

Information on membership and how to become a member

Membership benefits in Industrial Union

The Finnish Construction Trade Union

A person who is employed by a company operating in the fields covered by the Construction Union can become a member of the Union. Click on the links to go to the website of the Construction Union.

Information on membership and how to become a member

Membership benefits in Construction Union (in Finnish)

To become a member of the Journalists Union, you must earn most of your income from journalism, media, publishing or communications work, be a freelancer in the field who earns most of his or her income from journalism, media, publishing or communications work, be a teacher or researcher in the field or be a student in a media profession.

Click on the links to go to the Journalists Union website.

Information on membership and how to become a member

Membership benefits in the Journalists Union

Information on available grants

Membership of the Musicians’ Union is open to people working in the fields covered by the Musicians’ Union, such as orchestral musicians or freelance musicians working in various sectors of the music industry. Click on the links to go to the Musicians’ Union website.

Information on membership and how to become a member

Membership services and benefits in the Musicians’ Union

Finnish Actors Union

Membership of the Actors Union is open to people who are employed or trained as actors, singers or dancers. Click on the links to go to the Actors Union website.

Information on membership and benefits in the Actors Union

Teme, the union of theatre and media workers, is open to people working in the fields of audiovisual, film, circus, dance and theatre. Click on the links to go to the Teme website.

Information on membership, benefits and services in Teme

Ay-toimihenkilöt ry accepts as members all those who work for the SAK, SAK unions and unemployment funds. Membership is also open to persons working in organisations close to the SAK trade union movement, provided that they are mainly covered by the collective agreement concluded by the Ay-toimihenkilöt.

Go to Ay-toimihenkilöt website (only in Finnish)

Finnish Transport Workers’ Union AKT

AKT members work in vehicle maintenance and repairs of transport companies as well as road tanker and oil product industries, transport terminals, tourist transportation, cabin crew, diverse forwarding businesses as well as in driving instruction.

Information on membership and how to become a member

Information on available grants

The Finnish Post and Logistics Union PAU

You can become a member of the Finnish Post and Logistics Union if you work in PAU-s contract areas. Information about membership and how to become a member at the link below.

Information on membership and how to become a member

Information on available grants

Finnish Food Workers’ Union SEL

The Finnish Food Workers’ Union SEL is a trade union for people working in the food industry. Work done by SEL members includes preparing, packing and storing food goods and maintenance and repair work.

Information on membership and how to become a member

The Finnish Seafarers´ Union FSU

You can become a member of the Finnish Seafarers’ Union If you work in the merchant navy, in coastal or inland waterway transport or in a tugboat, or in another maritime related position.

Information on membership and how to become a member

TE Services offer support for job search and guidance on, among other things, services to promote employment. The TE services website has been redesigned and can now be found at www.tyomarkkinatori.fi.

Go to Työmarkkinatori

Työttömien ay-jäsenten tukiyhdistys ry (the unemployed trade union members’ support association, or Tatsi) is an advocacy and service organisation for the unemployed. Tatsi organises support and training for the unemployed, provides information and builds new models of action through projects.

Go to Tatsi’s website (only in Finnish)

Help in findging a job (Tatsi’s web page, only in Finnish)

Workers’ Educational Association WEA Finland (or Työväen Sivistysliitto, TSL in short) is an educational institution of organisations committed to the values of the labour movement, which encourages people to make a difference in society.

Siirry TSL:n verkkosivuille

Siirry TSL:n koulutusosioon (mm. kurssikalenteri ja koulutuksia työttömille)

TYJ is an organisation that develops unemployment insurance and provides services for unemployment funds. There are 21 unemployment funds in Finland that pay their members earnings-related unemployment insurance during unemployment. TYJ is an advocacy and training organization for unemployment funds and a cooperative body.

Go to TYJ’s web page

Paperworkers’ Union is a trade union of people working in the production tasks of the paper industry or paper processing.

Go to web page of Paperworkers’ Union

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