Membership application
Our membership fee is only 96 euros per year!
Trade unions provide security in working life, we in the A-kassa in case of unemployment.
Membership fee
A-kassa’s membership costs only 8 euros per month, or 96 euros per year!

Open Unemployment Fund A-kassa is a general unemployment fund open to all wage earners. Any wage earner under the age of 68 who is employed can become an individual member of A-kassa. The working condition can be accrued when you turn 18.
Our membership fee is only 96 euros per year, or 8 euros per month. Start the year by getting your Fund membership in order – fill out the application already now!
Membership of the Unemployment Fund starts on the day the application arrives to the Fund or on the date you have indicated with the application. You can send the membership form already, e.g. in December, if you want to join the Fund from January.
When your membership application has been approved, you will receive a text message notification about that. You will receive the membership fee invoice by mail.
All information provided in the electronic membership application is sent to A-kassa via a secure connection.
Read the Fund’s rules here.
Fill out the form to become a member
You can also fill out a printable membership application form here. Send the completed form to this postal address:
Open Unemployment Fund,
PO Box 116, 00531 Helsinki