Working and job-seeking abroad

Working abroad and earnings-related allowance

If you are going abroad to work, please contact us to find out how to maintain your entitlement to unemployment security. We will also advise you on matters related to the membership in the fund.


Job search abroad

If, on the other hand, you are job-seeking in an EU area, i.e., an EU/EEA country or Switzerland, you should first contact the employment authority to find out the conditions for continuing your entitlement to a daily allowance.


Determination of place of residence

You are considered to be resident in Finland if you are permanently residing in Finland, even if you work in another EU country. If you reside in another EU country, that country is considered to be your permanent place of residence, even if you work in Finland.


When determining your place of residence, we will, among other things, check your permanent address, how often you visit your country of residence and where your family is living. In addition, we will look at the quality of your employment. The determination of the place of residence is always examined on a case-by-case basis in connection with the daily allowance application. The unemployment fund cannot give a decision on the place of residence in advance.

Detailed instructions