Are you working part-time or occasionally?

If you work part-time or occasionally, read the brief instructions below first to get you well started.

Part-time work is a kind of work that is done in an employment relationship, where the working time agreed in the employment contract is no more than 80 % of the maximum working time of a full-time employee applicable in the field. Occasional work is a kind of work that is done in a full-time employment relationship lasting no more than two weeks (14 days).

When an employer turns the job into a part-time employment, the employer unilaterally changes the employment relationship to permanent part-time for production and financial reasons. This process shall be carried out in accordance with the term of notice.

If you work part-time or occasionally:

1. Register as an unemployed jobseeker in the E-services at Job Market Finland

2. Fill in the daily allowance application in the A-fund's eServices

3. Add attachments to the application

4. Submit your application at the end of the application period

5. Provide missing information

6. Notify us of any changes


The processing status of your application is displayed on the eService homepage and the Status Information tab. The up-to-date processing status of your application is available here.

Detailed instructions