Are you working part-time or occasionally?

If you work part-time or occasionally, read the brief instructions below first to get you well started.

Part-time work is a kind of work that is done in an employment relationship, where the working time agreed in the employment contract is no more than 80 % of the maximum working time of a full-time employee applicable in the field. Occasional work is a kind of work that is done in a full-time employment relationship lasting no more than two weeks (14 days).

Part-time work is a permanent part-time work relationship carried out unilaterally by the employer for production and financial reasons. Part-time employment must be implemented in compliance with the notice period.

When an employer turns the job into a part-time employment, the employer unilaterally changes the employment relationship to permanent part-time for production and financial reasons. This process shall be carried out in accordance with the term of notice.

Detailed instructions