Register with the TE Office as an unemployed jobseeker
In a lay-off, based on the contract, the employer suspends work and salary payment for production and financial reasons temporarily. Suspension of work and salary payment can be either partial or full-time. At the employee's request, the employer must provide a written certificate of the lay-off, which at least states the reason for the lay-off, the start time, and its duration or estimated duration.
You can apply for an earnings-related daily allowance from the A-fund if you are our member and have been laid off.
If you have been laid off:
1. Register with the TE Office as an unemployed jobseeker
2. Fill in the daily allowance application in the A-fund's eServices
3. Add attachments to the application
4. Submit your application at the end of the application period
5. Provide missing information
6. Notify us of any changes
The processing status of your application is displayed on the eService homepage and the Status Information tab. The up-to-date processing status of your application is available here.
Postal address:
Hakaniemenranta 1
PL 116, 00531 Helsinki