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A-kassa, kuvituskuva
Lack of available jobs biggest problem in finding employment



According to the results of a survey conducted by the Open Unemployment Fund, lack of potential jobs and overly long commutes are the biggest obstacles for finding employment. Discrimination (age, gender or other trait) and lack of required skills or education were also highlighted in the survey answers. A government proposal includes amendments to allow unemployment funds to provide employment services.


Towards the end of 2023, the Open Unemployment Fund conducted a survey concerning potential employment services that it could provide to its members in the future. According to the survey, lack of potential jobs and overly long commutes are the biggest obstacles for finding employment. Discrimination (age, gender or other trait) and lack of required skills or education were also highlighted in the survey answers.


In their January press release, the Central Organisation of Finnish Trade Unions (SAK) also pointed out how job listings often include more skill and competence requirements than what is actually needed for the job, making potential job seekers less likely to pursue them.


900+ Open Unemployment Fund members answered the survey. 89% of respondents had been unemployed at one time or another. The majority of those who gained employment contacted the workplace directly (33%) or submitted an application for a job vacancy (28%). The survey answers also highlighted the importance of existing contacts (16%).


According to the respondents, duration of unemployment was typically 1 to 3 months (34%), 3 to 6 months (17%) and 6 to 12 months (14%). The majority of job searches were conducted by browsing job listings on online platforms, but many also contacted workplaces directly or made use of their existing contacts and networks. Respondents also indicated that there is a specific need for individual counselling.

Unemployment funds to provide employment services in the future

A government proposal includes amendments to the Act on Unemployment Funds, potentially allowing unemployment funds to provide their members with employment services which help find and retain employment.


With the amendments to the Act on Unemployment Funds, funds could provide services such as labour exchange, information, guidance and counselling services, expert assessments and coaching to help fund members find employment opportunities. Any services provided by unemployment funds are considered private employment services, and as such they would not replace public employment and business services.


As the change in legislation has not yet been approved, we cannot yet go into more detail about the kind of services A-kassa could provide to its members. In any event, several A-kassa partners already provide various services promoting employment. These services would then be available as part of A-kassa’s potentially expanding range of services.