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A-kassa, kuvituskuva
Have you remembered to check the income limit on your tax card?



If your earnings exceed the income limit towards the end of the year, the unemployment fund benefit is also taxed at a higher additional rate instead of the standard rate.


You can check your current income limit at the Tax Administration’s MyTax service (the link takes you to the Tax Administration’s website).


If necessary, please order a revised tax card to receive a benefit from the MyTax service and send it directly to the A-kassa. As a general rule, the Unemployment Fund receives tax withholding information directly from the Tax Administration. It is not necessary to send paper versions of tax cards that are meant for salary or revised tax cards meant for benefits to the unemployment fund.


The revised tax card intended for wages also goes to the A-kassa, but in these situations 25 % of the tax must be withheld, even if the tax card has a lower withholding percentage. If the withholding percentage of the salary tax card is 25 or more, we also use that information at the A-kassa. A bigger problem may be that the information used in calculating the tax card is incorrect. You cannot make deductions from the benefit that you can make from salary income, such as for example income acquisition deduction. This can cause unpleasant surprises for members.



Read more: Instructions for ordering a revised tax card (