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A-kassan kuvituskuva, jossa nuori nainen kuulokkeet päässä näppäilee kirjoittaa sylissään olevalla kannettavalla tietokoneella.
For what period should I apply for daily allowance?



Our customer service often answers questions regarding the schedule of applying for earnings-related allowance, i.e. when first-time and follow-up applications should be submitted. The various time attributes may seem confusing, unclear and difficult to remember. To help, we have compiled the most important time attributes to make submitting applications easier.


Applications are submitted after the fact

First off, please remember that all daily allowance applications are always submitted retrospectively. Even if you know when you are going to be unemployed or when your lay-off starts and ends, your application can only cover a time period up until the current date. However, you should not wait for too long: an application for daily allowance must be submitted no later than 3 months after the start of unemployment.

Kuvassa henkilö merkitsee kalenteriin kynällä. Kädessä on laskin ja pöydällä kahvikuppi ja silmälasit. Kuvituskuva

Next, you should consider your situation. Are you fully unemployed, laid off or working part-time; is it a first-time or a follow-up application?


First-time application for a fully unemployed person

If you are fully unemployed or laid off and submitting your first-time application, you may already submit it after 2 full calendar weeks from the start of your unemployment or lay-off.


Follow-up application for a fully unemployed person

After submitting a first-time application, applying for daily allowance requires follow-up applications in periods of four calendar weeks (from Monday to Sunday) or a calendar month (from the 1st of the month to the last).


First-time application for a person working part-time

Earnings-related allowance may be paid out as adjusted allowance if you are an unemployed jobseeker and accept full-time work of two weeks or part-time work which amounts to no more than 80% of the maximum working time of full-time employment. In this scenario, you can likewise submit your first-time application after 2 full calendar weeks from the start of your partial unemployment or lay-off. The fund will help you in finding the correct application schedule in conjunction with the processing of your first application.


Follow-up application for a person working part-time

If you work part time during your unemployment, your applications should be filled out for periods of four calendar weeks (from Monday to Sunday) or a calendar month (from the 1st of the month to the last), depending on your salary payment periods.

In all scenarios, you should remember that you are only eligible to receive earnings-related allowance if you fulfil the necessary labour market requirements, the employment condition, the unemployment fund’s membership condition and other prerequisites for earnings-related allowance. Fulfilment of labour market requirements are assessed at the TE Office where you should register as an unemployed jobseeker immediately when you know your employment end date. You are not eligible for earnings-related allowance if you are not registered as an unemployed jobseeker at the TE Office. The employment condition and the unemployment fund’s membership condition have stood at 12 months since September 2, 2024.