Daily allowance calculator
Use the calculator to estimate the amount of your daily allowance.

1. Monthly salary
(before taxes)
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The earnings-related daily allowance is calculated from your wage income for at least 12 months prior to unemployment. The months used to determine the daily allowance must meet employment condition.

2. I take part in an employment promotion measure
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Payment of supplementary amounts for the period of employment promotion services ceased on 1 January 2025. However, you can still receive the supplementary amount during 2025 until the end of the provision of the service or for a maximum of 200 days, if the service started no later than 31 December 2024.
Choose I take part in an employment promotion measure if you are currently in one and it has been agreed upon with the TE Office and in your employment promotion agreement.
In this case, the calculator takes into account the increased earnings-related part for the period of service. You can also receive an expense allowance of € 9 per day for the duration of several services. Expense allowance is not included in the calculator result.

3. Income under unemployment
(before txes)
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Fill in your gross income from work, if you work part-time, work full-time for less than two weeks, your daily working hours have been reduced due to a temporary lay-off or you are part-time self-employed.

4. Reducing social benefits
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Fill in the gross amount of the social benefits you received, for example, a partial disability pension, home care allowance or partial care allowance. E.g., child benefit, housing allowance or social assistance do not affect the daily allowance.

5. Withholding rate %
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The tax rate is 25 percent when paying earnings-related allowance unless you deliver a change tax card to the cashier for the benefit.
Estimated amount of daily allowance
Duration of unemployment
Less than 40 days
If the unemployment has lasted less than 40 days, you will receive the full daily allowance.
Before taxes
0,00 €/mth
0,00 €/day
After taxes
0,00 €/mth
40-170 days
If the unemployment has lasted 40-170 days, you will receive 80% of the full daily allowance.
Before taxes
0,00 €/mth
0,00 €/day
After taxes
0,00 €/mth
More than 170 days
If the unemployment has lasted more than 170 days, you will receive 75% of the full daily allowance.
Before taxes
0,00 €/mth
0,00 €/day
After taxes
0,00 €/mth
The amount of daily allowance takes into account the information you have provided here and is suggestive. The estimate does not bind the Unemployment Fund, as other information can also affect the amount of daily allowance.