Current news

A-kassa and Barona launch entirely new kind of employment collaboration
- News
Open Unemployment Fund A-kassa has agreed on a collaboration with working life company Barona. Starting April 1, the collaboration pilot offers employment opportunities to...
- News, Studies
The call for post-secondary education applications for spring is now open. To receive unemployment benefit, a young person under the age of 25 must apply for at least two study places for studies starting...
- News, Part time work
Regional and municipal elections are approaching and with them you may work in the elections as an election official or a vote counter. These jobs are related to taking care of public duties, which...
- News
You can find a quick answer to many questions on A-kassa’s website or at the eService. This article is a compilation of frequently asked questions and tips that guarantee a smooth service experience. ...
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We have designed a series of webinars focused on helping you with the most important stages of your job search. The webinars provide valuable information on job search, career advancement and unemployment security across...
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The number of A-kassa’s earnings-related allowance recipients decreased in December-January, indicating a gradually improving employment situation. During this period, 36,925 members received earnings-related allowance from A-kassa, down 5.4% from a year ago. While the...
- News
A-kassa aims to process applications efficiently and pay out your benefits as quickly as possible. When you fill out your application carefully and make sure to add all required attachments, your application is processed...