Contact information
Member – take care of your affairs via eService.
If you are not yet a member, please contact us via a secure connection with the Contact us form.
eService’s chat is open:
mon- fri from 8.30-15.00
Opening hours of the telephone service:
mon.-fri. 8.30–12.00
Our service number is
Telephone exchange 029 372 4000
Calls to our service, including the wait times, are subject to charges.
Depending on your phone plan, the following rates apply:
- local network rate, when calling from a fixed line
- mobile network rate, when calling from a mobile phone
- international rate as applicable.
If calling from outside Finland, first dial +358 followed by the telephone number of your choice without the first zero.
If you have a phone plan with limited talk, ask your operator if calls beginning with 020 are included.
Calls are recorded to ensure and improve the quality of our service.
Our postal address
Open Unemployment Fund A-kassa
PO Box 116
FI-00531 Helsinki, Finland
Our invoicing address
Open Unemployment Fund
Business ID 0568870-5
Electronic invoices
The EDI code of the Open Unemployment Fund is 003705688705.
Our electronic invoice operator is Maventa whose operator code is 003721291126.
Operator code when sending from the banking network is DABAFIHH.
Manage errands easily online via eService
Electronically sent application and attachments are immediately at our disposal in order to process your benefit case. You can log in to eService with your online banking credentials.
If you are not yet a member
Contact us via a secure connection by filling out the Contact form.
Employer, union representative or authority
Contact us via a secure connection by filling out the Employer – Contact us form.