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Fast and reliable – A-kassa's member survey 2024 indicates member satisfaction



A-kassa has completed its annual member satisfaction survey, this time targeted to members that have received benefits between May, 2023 and April, 2024. The study was designed to assess fund members’ satisfaction with the fund’s operations and collect ideas for improvement. Our survey received an impressive total of 4,154 responses, so a warm thank you to everyone who took the time to respond!

The results were highly positive: 96% of respondents felt that ‘reliable ’describes A-kassa well or very well, and 90% felt that the fund provides fast service. This reinforces A-kassa’s reputation as a reliable and efficient partner.


eService and chat widely praised by members

The survey highlighted several interesting facts. Overall, fund members are highly satisfied with the fund’s service, friendliness and expertise. 95% of respondents had used the eService, and our SMS notification regarding upcoming benefit payments was rated particularly high at 4.8/5. You can enable the SMS notification in the eService. The eService chat had also increased in popularity from previous years, with its response speed (4/5), expertise (4.1/5) and friendliness (4.2/5) receiving high ratings.


Clear communications and expertise across various sectors

With a score of 4.2/5, A-kassa was rated high for clarity of communications. Members also gave a high score for the fund’s familiarity with the special characteristics of various sectors (4/5). Through mergers with several trade union funds, A-kassa has indeed accumulated a wide range of expertise across various sectors. Both numbers are an improvement from the previous year.


67% of members recommend A-kassa

A-kassa had a Net Promoter Score (NPS) of 60, a measure of how likely members are to recommend A-kassa to others. With NPS measured on a scale of -100 to +100, this is a very high score. It also means that the majority of our members would recommend A-kassa to others. A particularly high NPS score of 66 was given by laid-off and unemployed members. A total of 67% of members would recommend A-kassa to their friends or colleagues.


Prospects for future development

In the future, A-kassa will continue with the determined development of its operations and service culture. These excellent survey results provide a clear indication that we are on the right path. We want to thank all our members for their cooperation and confidence in us!