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We recommend retaining your fund membership when starting military service



In the beginning of July, another large group of new conscripts start their military service. The period of service will alter the conscripts’ life situation completely for several months. If you were employed before starting your service and a member of an unemployment fund, you should retain your membership even though your life situation temporarily changes. This ensures that your membership period continues and your accumulated employment remains intact. The same applies for many other life changes, such as taking family leave.


Unemployment fund membership is worth the investment, as only members are entitled to earnings-related allowance, provided that their employment condition is fulfilled. You are entitled to earnings-related allowance after your unemployment fund membership and your paid employment have reached the required duration, i.e. your membership and employment conditions are both fulfilled.


We recommend that you retain your unemployment fund membership even if your life situation temporarily changes. And even though you won’t be working, you can continue your membership period and keep your accumulated employment intact by retaining your membership. You can continue accumulating the required employment when you return to work.


It is easy to retain your membership: all you have to do is pay the fund membership fee. Some unions provide exemptions for membership fees for the duration of military service. Remember to notify your union of your military service.


By retaining your unemployment fund membership, you ensure your financial security in case of unemployment. This brings you peace of mind and allows you to focus on your next phase in life.


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