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Have you already taken into use the eService’s electronic decision and payment notifications?



By ordering the electronic decision from the eService you can have it immediately at your disposal when the application has been processed and the decision for earnings-related allowance has been given. In this case, the decision will not be sent by mail. It is also possible to order a payment notification as a text message notification.

When you order the electronic decision, you will get a notification of the decision either by text message or via e-mail. You will receive the notification as a text message if you have chosen the delivery method of notifications to be text message. Otherwise, the notification will be sent via e-mail.

The decision must be opened in the eService within seven days since it has been given, otherwise the decision will be sent to you by mail. This is because the unemployment fund has an obligation to give a decision to its members that have applied for earnings-related allowance. So, remember to open and read the decision in the eService within a week.

If you are about to appeal the decision, the 30-day time limit will begin when you have opened the decision in the eService.

How can I order the electronic decision?

It is easy to order the electronic decision.

  1. Log in to eService with your banking credentials
  2. Open the Settings menu on the eService’s front page
  3. Choose “eService” in the delivery method of decisions
  4. Remember to press “Save” button after you have chosen the correct delivery method.

If you have filled in the application, at the end the eService will suggest the delivery method of the decision, if electronic decision has not already been chosen.

You can also view the previous electronic decisions in the eService. Further, you can download the decision to your computer or smart phone as a PDF file. PDF files can then be printed, if necessary.