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A-kassa’s statistical summary for August – small increase in the number of applications



A-kassa monitors the unemployment situation of its members on a monthly basis. There was a small increase in the number of applications in August, but the number is still lower than a year ago.

The Open Unemployment Fund received a total of 17 741 applications for earnings-related allowance in August, around 900 more applications than in July. However, the number is much smaller compared with the previous year, as the fund received 22 538 applications in August 2021.

In August, the fund paid earnings-related allowance to 13 712 members, which is 7% of all the members of A-kassa (the number of members, 190 911, was confirmed on 31 December 2021). There were 3 525 fewer recipients of earnings-related allowance, a reduction of 20.5%, compared with the corresponding period last year.

Among the recipients of earnings-related allowance, 1 982 (14.5%) were temporarily laid off. The decline in the proportion of people temporarily laid off ended for the first time this year, as in July, only 12.4% of recipients of earnings-related allowance were temporarily laid off. Adjusted daily allowance was paid to 2 330 members in August, which was 17% of all the recipients of earnings-related allowance.

The average duration of unemployment was 21.0 days in August, which is 0.3 days less than in the corresponding period of the previous year.

The comparison figures for 2021 are combined figures of the Unemployment Fund Finka, the Unemployment Fund of the Construction Sector and the Unemployment Fund of Finnish Industrial Workers.

The full statistical summary for August is available here.