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Impact of grants on the daily allowance - current information on grants



A grant may affect your entitlement to the earnings-related allowance. Below you can find the key facts and examples about a grant’s impact on the daily allowance. 

If you receive a grant for artistic work, let the TE Office know about it as soon as you are starting to work. However, if the grant is for two weeks duration or less it does not need to be reported. Remember to notify the TE Office about starting and finishing the work as soon as possible, and if there are any changes.

Notify us when starting grant-funded work and its total duration, by writing it down in the additional information part of the daily allowance application, for example.

Can I receive the daily allowance whilst doing grant-funded work?

Your entitlement to the earnings-related allowance depends on whether the TE Office considers the grant-funded work to be full-time or part-time. Full-time work means that the earnings-related allowance cannot be paid, whereas if it’s part-time work you can receive the allowance.

As a rule, when you start grant-funded work whilst being unemployed, you can still receive the earnings-related unemployment allowance for the duration of four months.

How does the grant affect my daily allowance?

The grant’s impact on your earnings-related allowance depends on whether the grant you receive is taxable or tax-exempt. A taxable grant counts as adjusted income, meaning that the grant will reduce the amount of your earnings-related allowance, whereas a tax-exempt grant will not affect the amount of your earnings-related allowance. 

Grant-funded work does not accrue the employment condition of your earnings-related allowance. If you work in paid employment in addition to the grant-funded work, then your employment condition accumulates normally.

Currently available grants

COVID-19 grant from the Arts Promotion Centre Finland (transfers to Taike website)

The grant is awarded for a six-month working period. When starting the grant-funded work, notify the TE Office, and they will examine its impact on the earnings-related allowance.

More information on grant-funded work and its impact on earnings-related allowance can be found here

More information on starting to work (grant-funded work) can also be found on the TE Office website