Current news

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A-kassa, kuvituskuva
The opening hours of A-kassa's telephone service will change starting September 1.



Starting from 1.9. A-kassa’s telephone service is open as follows:

Mon. 8.30-15.00
Tue. 8.30-15.00
Wed. 8.30-12.00
Thu. 8.30-12.00
Fri. 8.30-12.00


Chat opening hours are expanding

eService’s chat is open every weekday from 8:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. You can access eService’s chat by logging into your own eService. In the chat, our customer service representatives will help you with all questions related to your application and situation.

You can find more information about contact methods on our contact information page

Have you already taken into use the eService’s electronic decision and payment notifications?

The up-to-date application processing status is updated on our website every weekday