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Merityö, kuvituskuva laivasta
Right to earnings-related allowance during a strike



Updated March 26, 2024


How is a political strike accounted for in employment security?

The political strikes that started on March 11, 2024, are somewhat exceptional compared to previous strikes.

The situation is currently generally interpreted as an ‘implementation.’ Please see our guidelines below in section “Was your work interrupted due to industrial action in another industry?”

Entitlement to a benefit always requires that all other prerequisites for paying out the benefit are fulfilled and that no other obstacles or limitations exist. In an ‘implementation’ situation, you are likewise required to register as a jobseeker at the TE Office.

If you are on strike

During a strike, you may apply for possible strike pay from your trade union. In some cases, the unemployment fund may also pay unemployment benefits during a strike. For more information, please see the below links.

Industrial Union | The Finnish Construction Trade Union | The Finnish Transport Workers’ Union AKT | The Finnish Food Workers’ Union SEL | The Finnish Seafarers’ Union FSU | The Finnish Post and Logistics Union PAU

Have you been laid off during a strike?

If you are laid off, you are entitled to earnings-related allowance for the layoff period if you have received a layoff notice before the strike notice and the strike day occurs on the previously announced layoff day.

In this case, remember to register as a jobseeker at the TE office so that you may apply for daily allowance. Please let the TE office know that your work has been interrupted due to industrial action (i.e. a strike) by another group of employees or the employer for the duration of the strike.

If your layoff is executed by shortening the working week, you are not entitled to earnings-related allowance for the strike days that coincide with your work days.

Are you working part-time during the strike?

If you are working part-time, you are not entitled to adjusted earnings-related allowance for the duration of the strike.

Was your work interrupted due to industrial action in another industry?

If your work is interrupted due to industrial action in another industry, you may be entitled to earnings-related allowance.

If the strike does not aim to impact your collective labour agreement, but your work is still interrupted due to industrial action in another industry, your employer has a 7-day wage payment obligation. If the strike continues after the seven days, you are entitled to earnings-related allowance without a 7-day waiting period. Remember to register as a jobseeker at the TE office in this case as well so that you may apply for daily allowance. Please let the TE office know that your work has been interrupted due to industrial action (i.e. a strike) by another group of employees or the employer for the duration of the strike.

If your employer suspends wage pay due to industrial action in another industry

If your work is interrupted due to industrial action in another industry, your employer has a 7-day wage payment obligation. Daily allowance for unemployment is paid after these seven days have passed.


For more information on the subject, please see A-kassa’s information bank