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Open Unemployment Fund's membership fee remains unchanged



The Open Unemployment Fund’s (A-kassa) membership fee will stay at 8 euros per month in 2025. This means that there will be no changes to the amount of the fee.


The Financial Supervisory Authority approved the proposal of the Open Unemployment Fund’s board of directors that the membership fee will be 8 euros a month (96 euros a year) also next year.


The A-kassa is a multidisciplinary unemployment fund that can be joined by any wage earner. Indeed, many trade unions insure their members against unemployment through the A-kassa, in which case the collection and settlement of membership fees are handled through the union.


There are currently eleven trade unions cooperating with the A-kassa: Industrial Union, The Finnish Construction Trade Union, Finnish Transport Workers’ Union AKT, The Finnish Post and Logistics Union PAU, The Finnish Seafarers’ Union FSU, Trade Union for Theatre and Media Finland Teme, The Union of Journalists in Finland, Finnish Actors Union, The Finnish Musicians’ Union, Ay-toimihenkilöt, and Finnish Food Workers’ Union SEL.


At the beginning of 2025, the Paper Workers’ Unemployment Fund will merge into the A-kassa, when also the Paper Union starts cooperation by insuring their members through the A-kassa.


Further information:
Fund Director Sami Aapro, tel. 040 565 9628