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A-kassa, kuvituskuva, jossa henkilö kirjoittaa kynällä ja näppäilee laskinta. Pöydällä on kahvimuki, suojakypärä ja huomioliivi.
Number of earnings-related allowance recipients on the increase

News, Statistics, Unemployment


At A-kassa, the number of earnings-related allowance recipients has typically decreased in the summer months and increased again in the autumn. This year, however, the numbers appear to have taken an upward turn already in August. By mid-August, a total of 5.4% of all members received earnings-related allowance, an increase of 0.2 percentage points from mid-July’s 5.1%.


By mid-August, a total of 5.4% of all members received earnings-related allowance, an increase of 0.2 percentage points from mid-July’s 5.1%. By the end of July, the number had increased to 8.8%. While the increase from mid-July to mid-August was moderate, the numbers now indicate an upward trend. We are still in August, however, so the final tally for the month remains uncertain. Last year, the upward trajectory began in August while a steeper increase took hold only in October.


By mid-August, a total of 3,151 members had received lay-off period daily allowance, signifying 24% of all earnings-related allowance recipients. At the end of July, the share of lay-off period daily allowance recipients stood at 29.6%, a decrease of 2.9 percentage points from June. If the mid-August numbers persist until the end of the month, the share of laid-off persons would seem to continue to decrease.


The downturn in the Finnish economy is directly reflected in the number of earnings-related allowance recipients and laid-off persons at A-kassa. The economy is, however, showing signs of recovery that might explain the significant decrease in the number of earnings-related allowance recipients in the summer months and the potentially moderate increase in the fall. The changes, however, are not yet significant enough to make any long-term conclusions.


Monthly statistical summaries are available at the A-kassa website