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Important things to consider as your summer job ends

News, Studies


If you have joined an unemployment fund during your summer employment, please consider remaining a fund member even when your employment ends. The right to earnings-related allowance may also be accrued with short-term employment relationships. You do not have to work continuously, but you do have to be a fund member in order to be eligible for earnings-related allowance.


You must fulfil the employment condition in order to receive earnings-related allowance.

  • Employment condition until September 1, 2024: The employment condition is fulfilled when you have been employed as a salaried worker for a minimum of 26 calendar weeks in the 28 months preceding the unemployment. On a week level, the employment condition is fulfilled if your weekly working time is at least 18 hours and you have received a salary which is in accordance with the collective agreement.
  • Employment condition starting September 2, 2024: The employment condition is fulfilled when you have received eligible earned income of 930 euros / month, paid during a minimum of 12 months, in the previous 28 months. The employment condition becomes euro-based starting September 2nd, 2024. The employment condition is accrued by 1 month if the salary paid out during a calendar month is at least €930 and one ½ a month if the salary paid out during a calendar month is €465 to €929.99.


For instance, if you are studying, absent due to illness, in the military or in non-military service or at home caring for a child aged 0 to 3, such periods extend this reference period. The 28-month reference period may be extended by a maximum of 7 years.


After your summer employment ends: What to do if you are unemployed

If your summer job has ended and you have not found new work or a place of study, do this:

  1. Register as an unemployed jobseeker at the TE Office immediately after your employment ends.
  2. Check with your unemployment fund whether you are entitled to earnings-related unemployment security.
  3. If you fulfil the employment condition and the membership condition set by the unemployment fund, you may apply for earnings-related allowance from the fund.
  4. If you do not fulfil the conditions, you may apply for daily allowance from Kela.

Why is a certificate of employment important?

The employer is obligated to provide a certificate of employment to the summer employee at the end of the employment relationship. You may also request that the employer includes an assessment of your work skills in the certificate of employment. A certificate of employment is important because it provides information on your work experience which is useful when applying for a new job.

Usually, the employment relationship is established with a written employment contract. Even though a verbal agreement is equally valid, a written employment contract is recommended as it unambiguously confirms the nature and conditions of employment.


What is a final salary?

Final salary is paid to the employee at the end of the employment relationship. It includes all unpaid salaries, additional compensations and holiday compensation for untaken holidays which you have earned during your summer employment. Some industries also pay out a holiday bonus.

When the amount of earnings-related allowance is calculated, your holiday period salary is accounted for in case you have taken the holiday. However, holiday bonus and holiday compensation and not included in the calculation.


Under 25-year-olds must apply for a place of study

If you are under 25 years old and unemployed without vocational training, you must apply for a place of study. If you do not apply for a place of study, you decline it or discontinue studying, you may lose your right to unemployment benefits until further notice. Your right to unemployment benefits is returned when:

  • You have completed vocational training and received a degree for it.
  • You have been employed for a minimum of 21 calendar weeks in a job which fulfils the employment condition.
  • You have taken part in services promoting employment.
  • You have studied full-time.
  • You have been employed full-time as an entrepreneur.
  • You are 25 years old.

The TE Office examines your study record and any related matters. Remember to always inform the TE Office of your studies if you are registered as a jobseeker.


Information on studying on earnings-related allowance


For more information, please see the following:
Kela Our services | Kela
TE Office Job Market Finland (