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Unemployment security comes with many special terms, each with a very specific meaning. For instance, a ‘calendar month’ and a ‘month’ may seem like the same thing but in unemployment security they have a slightly different meaning. Term definitions help you understand how matters related to income security are processed. Below, we have collected a few essential terms related to time.

  • Calendar month: the time period between the first and the last day of a month, e.g. Oct 1 – Oct 31, April 1 – April 30


  • Month: a time period lasting one month which overlaps two consecutive months but does not cover the same day of month twice, e.g. Oct 15 – Nov 14, April 5 – May 4


  • Employment condition month from 2 September 2024: a calendar month during which the fund member has been paid a salary of at least 930 euros and the work has taken place after September 1, 2024. Based on a change in employment conditions. Read more Quick guide to the employment condition 2024


  • One half of an employment condition month from 2 September 2024: a calendar month during which the fund member has been paid a salary of 465–929 euros and the work has taken place after September 1, 2024. Based on a change in employment conditions. Read more Quick guide to the employment condition 2024


  • Salary division over several months when reviewing the employment condition: salary is paid, by way of exception, for a time period longer than one month. The salary is distributed to the payment month and to as many preceding or following calendar months as the salary is based on.