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Dreaming of a career abroad? Unemployment allowance can help you achieve that

Earnings-related allowance, News


 If your dream is to work abroad, you should check whether you can go job-seeking abroad and continue to receive earnings-related unemployment allowance at the same time.

You can go on a job-seeking trip to another EU country for a period of up to three months. You can receive an earnings-related unemployment allowance from your unemployment fund while you are job-seeking abroad as you normally would.


To go job-seeking abroad and simultaneously receive your earnings-related unemployment allowance, you

  • cannot be employed
  • must have been registered as an unemployed job-seeker with the TE Office for at least four weeks before your trip abroad.


If you find employment abroad and return to Finland, EU regulations will come to your assistance again. The work that you have done abroad can usually be approved in the Finnish income security system. The requirements for this are that you work in Finland for four weeks and that the work you did in another EU country was covered by insurance.

If you want to travel abroad to look for a job, ask A-kassa’s customer service and the TE Office for more information on the subject. Your unemployment fund will give you advice and pay your allowance while you are abroad. The TE Office will check whether you can go job-seeking abroad and provide you with the necessary documentation.

If you are moving to Finland and want to have the periods that you have worked abroad to be counted towards your insurance and employment history in Finland, please contact our customer service. They will give you more advice on what you should do. When you move to Finland from another EU country, you can join an unemployment fund within a certain period of time even if you are unemployed.