A-kassa's membership fee
A-kassa’s membership fee only 96 euros per year!
Earnings-related allowance can only be obtained by belonging to the unemployment fund.

The membership fee for an individual member of the Open Unemployment fund is 8 euros per month.
If you are A-kassa’s member through a trade union, contact your own trade union regarding membership fees.
If you are only A-kassa’s member
Membership fee can be paid for the whole year, in which case it is EUR 96.
If you want to pay the membership fee in periods of three months or every calendar month, please contact our customer service, when you have received the invoice.
Pay the membership fee according to the due date of the membership fee invoice. Unpaid membership fees can prevent the payment of benefits. Read more about the Fund rules. You must take care of your membership fees yourself.
If you are applying for a benefit from the unemployment fund, the membership fee must be in order up to the start of unemployment. There are no exemption periods from the membership fees, if you are an individual member of the Open Unemployment Fund.