A-kassa will no longer have agent representatives starting January 1, 2025

A-kassa has made a rule change which removes the option of having an agent representative. Agents can no longer be employed, starting January 1, 2025. They are replaced with workplace contact persons.

Most importantly, this change affects the fund membership start date for those who join both a union and a fund.

In the future, joint members’ fund membership starts on the date their application reaches the fund.

Newsletters for elected officials and contact persons

All notices directed at elected officials and contact persons are available by subscribing to the newsletter.

Piktogrammi, A-kassa

Are you the elected official or contact person at your workplace?

A-kassa works in close cooperation with unions, elected officials and workplace liaison officers.

The elected official and the liaison officer can notify the fund of any temporary lay-offs, change negotiations and terminations.

What is more, they may ask experts from the fund to hold briefings at the workplace. The elected officials and liaison officers have access to a phone service which provides support and advice.

People in the following roles can act as contact persons for A-kassan:
  • Any workplace employee can become a contact person.


  • Contact persons do not have to register with A-kassa. All notices directed at contact persons are available by subscribing to the dedicated newsletter.
  • The contact person can notify the fund of any temporary lay-offs, change negotiations and terminations that take place at the workplace. The form is available on our website.


  • The contact person may request an expert from the fund to hold a briefing at the workplace.


  • The contact person can submit a membership application on behalf of an applicant (simply a technical procedure). Fund membership starts on the date their application reaches the fund.


  • The contact person can subscribe to a dedicated newsletter


  • The contact person can send messages to the fund with a secure form


  • The contact person can call a dedicated service number
    • Phone +358 29 309 2426
    • Open Monday to Friday from 8.30 a.m. to 3 p.m.

Notification of temporary lay-offs, change negotiations or terminations

Are you the elected official or contact person at your workplace where change negotiations are under way? If lay-offs or terminations are on the horizon, we wish that you contact us before the lay-offs or terminations start.

By providing us with more detailed information on the lay-offs or terminations, we are able to help your workplace members more flexibly. At the same time, we can respond to any questions you may have even before daily allowance applications are submitted.

With an online form, you can notify us of the start of change negotiations and the implementation, schedule and number of lay-offs or terminations. By providing us with the information beforehand, you help us speed up the processing of our members’ applications.

Please answer the mandatory questions marked with an asterisk. Responses to other questions are not required but any additional information can be helpful in processing the applications. At the end of the survey, you may provide additional information and request us to contact you.

You can also contact our dedicated phone service for elected officials and contact persons.

Send a message to the fund

You can send messages to the fund with a secure form.

Phone service for elected officials and contact persons

Our phone service answers your questions regarding practices related to applications and benefits. You can also use the service to notify our customer service representatives of any temporary lay-offs or terminations you are aware of.

  • Phone +358 29 309 2426
  • Open Monday to Friday from 8.30 a.m. to 3 p.m.

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